— Career Counselling for Teens
HEY YOU, YES YOU, the person reading this page
How are you, maybe feeling lost, confused, unsure where your life is taking you, unsure what field you want to work in and everyone is on your back, parents, teachers, principals etc to grow up, make a plan.
Would you like help with YOUR career planning/life direction and would you like the tools, to reach your career goals no matter what they are.
We start with a career quiz where you obtain clarity on what occupations suit you, your personality.  Imagine working towards your goal, your happiness and towards a career that you will love.
Then we work together to ensure the subjects you chose at school at right for you.
- I work with your parents and school to help them, help you.
- We discuss any educational difficulties or obstacles you are facing.
- I provide you with Study Skills.
- Maybe a school based traineeship would work better for you.
- We work together to find an employers that suit your goals.
I also help you with providing the tools to obtain:
- Part-time work
- School based traineeships and apprenticeships
- Traineeships and Apprenticeships outside of school
- Full- time work
- BY working with you to draw your resume, application letters
If one of the below is an issue for you, I can also help you with personal matters such as:
- Anxiety and depression
- Health
- Relationships with family, friends and school
- Drug and alcohol problems
- Self harm issues eg: cutting, bulimia etc
- Budgeting made easy
- Centrelink and assistance to find accommodation
How to seek advice
Choose to be happy!
Complete the contact form to find out more
In a world that is starved for authentic, loving relationships, I help people through coaching and counselling to gain their perfect partnerships/families, that partnership/family that is tailored for you.
The joy you will experience as a couple or family to move from the hurt feeling, that feeling of non-appreciation or lack of respect, that feeling of being unloved or just confused to WOW I am amazed, all my relationships, professional and personal are now feeding me the love and support I’ve always deserved. Now everything seems easier.
I work always tailoring to your individual situations and I have extensive experience in building happy relationships, long sustainable happy marriages/partnerships or if required separating/divorcing amicably.